- Bienvenu Myriel? I have heard that name. Are you the man whom the people call Monseigneur Welcome? 卞福汝·米里哀!我听人说过这名字。老乡们称为卞福汝主教的,难道就是您吗?
- What took place next in the fate of Mr. Myriel? 此后,米里哀先生的一生有些什么遭遇呢?
- What took place next in the fate of M. Myriel? 此后,他的一生有些什么遭遇呢?
- Monseigneur Bienvenu made his Cassocks last too long. 卞福汝主教的道袍穿得太久了。
- In 1804, M. Myriel was the Cure of B-- [Brignolles]. 一八零四年,米里哀先生是白里尼奥尔的本堂神甫。
- M. Myriel could be summoned at any hour to the bedside of the sick and dying. 人们可以在任何时候把主教叫到病人和临死的人的床边。
- The next morning at sunrise Monseigneur Bienvenu was strolling in his garden. 次日破晓,卞福汝主教在他的园中散步。
- Bienvenu to my newly created profile!I hope you come back and check frequently. 我的个人空间开通了,欢迎你时常过来做客,大家多多交流哦。
- "Sire," said M. Myriel, "you are looking at a good man, and I at a great man. “陛下,”米里哀先生说,“您瞧一个汉子,我瞧一个天子。
- M. Charles Myriel emigrated to Italy at the very beginning of the Revolution. 米里哀先生,当革命刚开始时便出亡到意大利。
- M. Myriel had no property,his family having been ruined by the Revolution. 米里哀先生绝没有财产,因为他的家已在革命时期破落了。
- M. Myriel was the son of a councillor of the Parliament of Aix; hence he belonged to the nobility of the bar. 米里哀先生是艾克斯法院的一个参议的儿子,所谓的司法界的贵族。
- In the meantime, Monseigneur Bienvenu had advanced as quickly as his great age permitted. 但是卞福汝主教尽他的高年所允许的速度迎上去。
- Thus Monseigneur Bienvenu also had his hour of party spirit, his hour of bitterness, his cloud. 足见卞福汝主教也偶尔有过他的政见、他的苦闷、他的隐情。
- Monseigneur Bienvenu listened in some astonishment to this language, which was very new to him. 那种论调对卞福汝主教是非常新奇的,他听了,不免有些诧异。
- Four years ago, a brother living in Switzerland sent Congo resident Masamba Bienvenu a cell phone. 一名科学家宣称他在女性子宫内发现一种新型细胞,或许可以取得争议不断的胚胎干细胞。
- The phone was intended for his personal use, but Bienvenu, an unemployed university graduate, had bigger ideas. 这种新细胞无须摧毁人类胚胎即可取得。
- The private life of M. Myriel was filled with the same thoughts as his public life. 米里哀先生的家庭生活,正如他的社会生活那样,是受同样的思想支配的。
- M.Gillenormand had his daughter near him, as we have seen that Monseigneur Bienvenu had his sister with him. 吉诺曼先生身边有女儿,正如我们从前见过的那位卞福汝主教身边有妹子。
- M. Myriel had to undergo the fate of every newcomer in a little town, where there are many mouths which talk, and very few heads which think. 任何人初到一个说话的嘴多而思考的头脑少的小城里总有够他受的,米里哀先生所受的也不例外。